Free iCall Caller

Free iCall Caller

Make free phone calls to real phones AND other iCall users! New York Times App of the Week, iCall has been downloaded more than 15,000,000 times! Instant message, share photos, and chat with friends on Facebook chat, AIM, ICQ, Windows Live Messenger, Google Talk, XMPP and...

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truecaller mobile app

truecaller mobile app

Truecaller is the world's largest mobile phone community for mobiles, its accessible via a Web site. It finds contact details globally given name or telephone number, and has an integrated caller ID service to achieve call-blocking functionality and social media integration to keep the phonebook up-to-date with pictures and...

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Mobile Number Locator Guru

Mobile Number Locator Guru

Are you getting calls from unknown number? Do you want to find from where that person is Calling? Now you can use Mobile Number Locator App to find who that person is. Trace Mobile number location and Find owner name and address ! Look up for cell phone no. with current service provider, network...

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