

Type a word into the search bar and get English-Romanian translation of the word. You can also search in other translation dictionaries available on our website. If the search produces too many translations, you can use our filters to optimize the search process. Filters help you to select only the appropriate translation...

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Romnan Engleza

Romnan Engleza

Type a word into the search bar and get Romanian-English translation of the word. You can also search in other translation dictionaries available on our website. If the search produces too many translations, you can use our filters to optimize the search process. Filters help you to select only the appropriate translation...

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English Romanian Online Dictionary for Mobiles

English Romanian Online Dictionary for Mobiles

The English Romanian Online Translator is a tiny and absolutely FREE language software solution. It can be used to translate from English to Romanian and from Romanian to English using the internet connection on your device. Running on cell phones (mobile phone) and mobile devices compatible with the J2ME specifications CLDP 1.0 and MIDP 2.0 or later including Blackberry, Palm, Windows Mobile (PocketPC and Smartphone), Android and games consoles (PSP Nintendo DS) installed with a compatiable JVM and linked...

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