Jimm is an ICQ™ clone for mobile devices with J2ME™ (MIDP) technology
(Java 2 Micro Edition / Mobile Information Device Platform)
- It's working on a lot of devices which have J2ME™ support. (like PDAs (Palm) or most modern mobile phones)
- Connects directly to the ICQ™ network via cheap GPRS or UMTS connection
- ICQ™ instant messaging on the go with your mobile device
- Brings ICQ™ to your mobile phone or J2ME™ supporting handheld
- Uses protocol version 8
- By using cheap GPRS or UMTS connection messaging with Jimm can be up to 96 percent cheaper than using Short Message Service (SMS) text messages.
- Supports: Sending files, local history, search for contacts and much more
- Multilingual (English, German, Russian, Lithuanian, Bulgarian, Czech, Ukranian and Serbian are currently supported)
- Free software, full source included (GPL'ed)
- Not affiliated with or endorsed by ICQ Inc.

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