Sunset/Sunrise Free
The exact time of sunrise, sunset time for today, for...
read moreThe exact time of sunrise, sunset time for today, for...
read moreConverter Hijra-Gregorian dates. Arabic lunar calendar (also known as the Muslim calendar or Hijri calendar) is called the Lunar Hegira. For your convenience, we convert Hijri date to...
read moreThis application shows you the month wise calendar of 2011-2012 with animation and different devotional images for each month. It also has facility to Add, View and Delete day wise...
read moreFollow the moon with moonphases. Moon Phases shows the current moon phase. You can see the moon phases, day by day, the whole week, the month and see a lot of information about the current moon...
read moreEnjoy 2013 Calendar with 12 different super heroes/ cartoon characters. Every Month has a different background. It will be fun for kids to view the Calendar, from the regular boring...
read moreView every month with different Hindu Lord.Added support for Touch screen devices to navigate through the entire Calendar. Also added list of Holidays and hindu occasions/festivals for the entire year, when you navigate to the respective...
read moreView every month with different Islamic Places along with the Islamic Dates and List of Holidays. Added support for Touch screen devices to navigate through the entire...
read moreView every month with different Islamic Places along with the Islamic Dates and List of Holidays. Added support for Touch screen devices to navigate through the entire...
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