After purchasing the phone everything works like clockwork. Applications open quickly, smooth scrolling is not satisfactory, the overall performance of the system at a high level. But over time, the performance drops, the memory becomes clogged with unnecessary...

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MemoryUp RamBooster E71

MemoryUp RamBooster E71

MemoryUp RamBooster E71 is a powerful mobile RAM boosting tool and Java virtual machine (JVM) management application specially designed for smartphone users. It is a handy memory optimizer tool that will keep your smartphone running fast and...

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Software for smartphones, optimizes with RAM. The application in the background following the work of running programs running on the Java virtual machine (JVM), thereby effectively distributes resources RAM, ensuring maximum productivity performance of your...

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.Mobile.RAM Booster

.Mobile.RAM Booster

A very useful program that allows you to release the occupied memory (RAM) for other resources. The program analyzes the system load, the amount of memory that is consumed for each open application and effectively redistributes memory between...

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Mobile Ram Booster 2.0

Mobile Ram Booster 2.0

A very useful program that allows you to release the occupied memory (RAM) for other resources. The program analyzes the system load, the amount of memory that is consumed for each open application and effectively redistributes memory between...

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