Blank Rome LLP

Blank Rome LLP

Blank Rome has provided exceptional service to clients for more than 60 years. We have become one of America's largest law firms by adding leading talent and new practice areas to handle critical client...

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Information from NYU-SCPS' course "Mobile Marketing for the Small to Medium-sized Business" (SMB). Learn how to market an SMB using mobile. Includes statistics, glossary of terms, self-test and ability to register for the class. This mobile app was designed by NYU-SCPS specifically for Small to Medium-sized Businesses as an introduction to mobile marketing for business...

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Directgov works closely with government departments to bring information for the public together in one place. You can find specific information and services by using the search engine, or you can browse by topics, such as motoring, money,...

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New way your business can advertise to customers via their mobile phones. You create an advertising campaign in easy steps, and aim it precisely at potential customers for your business. No banner ads or pop ups, only tailored...

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