Unlike other unit conversion softwares which use 32 float point number, our Unit Convert uses 64 float point number to do calculation thus the results are much more precise. It contains Acceleration-Angular; Acceleration-Linear; Angle; Area; Capacitance; Clothing; Computer;...
Science Manual is combination of Unit Convert, Scientific Constants and Chemical Elements.
It contains more than 676 units grouped in 38 categories, 112 chemical elements and more than 110 scientific constants sorted in 5...
UnitsC is a freeware small offline converter that converts area, volume, mass, pressure and other units.It runs in android and java phones that support J2ME/MIDP 2.0.It has simple and user friendly...
World wide weather, all kinds of news, stock quotes, dictionaries for various languages, sports, RSS reader supporting images and podcast/videocast, tip calculator, Currency converter, Measurement unit converter, Clothing size converter, games,...
Kilograms, ounces, miles, knots, stones and many more … Carry this handy unit converter always with you. Convert from among all type of units such as lengths, volumes, speed,...
All-in-one currency and unit conversion solution. How many times did you need to convert one unit to another and did not remember the way to do it? How many times did you need to make extensive currency calculations in front of exchange booth or when...