AnyUok Unit Convert

AnyUok Unit Convert

Unlike other unit conversion softwares which use 32 float point number, our Unit Convert uses 64 float point number to do calculation thus the results are much more precise. It contains Acceleration-Angular; Acceleration-Linear; Angle; Area; Capacitance; Clothing; Computer;...

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The Sisters Of Earth

The Sisters Of Earth

Did you know that the Earth is a woman and has many sisters? This tiny software provides many information about Solar System planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Get every kind of information by just a click of a...

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It doesn't have to take years to get it and once you have it, it's hard to lose. It does take a lot of work to get it .Wisdom is the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or the repetition of one expression as part of another one, particularly when the quoted expression is well-known or explicitly attributed by citation to its original source, and it is indicated by (punctuated with) quotation...

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Holy Bible NIV

Holy Bible NIV

The Holy Bible - New International Version Old Testament & New Testament. For the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ and the furtherance of His Kingdom. Go Bible is a Free Bible viewer application for Java mobile phones (J2ME MIDP 1.0 and MIDP 2.0). Go Bible 2.2.0...

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