Knight Dreams

Knight Dreams

A parody mini-RPG consisting of a world full of humour, attractive and bright graphics as well as diverse monsters and traps, a lot of action and...

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Last limit

Last limit

Last limit is a magic fantasy adventure with ghosts, vampires, werewolves, monsters, wizards and warriors. You will hear the sound of gold and tournaments in this...

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Gurk is a huge role play game having small size. The game offers all the features of classic RPG in full and many adventures to entertain you for severl...

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Akalabeth: World of Doom

Akalabeth: World of Doom

This is the first and initial game of the Ultima series (having 0 index), and also the first game for the fourth generation computers. Akalabeth was produced as an independent game and it got its index number of the Ultima series only in several years, when several games having Ultima name were...

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I Fighters Club (I-club)

I Fighters Club (I-club)

Online game I Fighters Club (I-Club) is the world of magic and spectacular fights in your mobile! Are you ready to become a Trainer for one of the Imons living in this world? Then you are going to meet cute characters, fascinating battles, secret magic and universe full of...

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