Dressing Room

Dressing Room

FREE mobile magazine with latest T20 cricket gossip, post match party coverage & dressing room secrets. Get masala news on your favourite players with interesting trivia and special zones. Enjoy this exclusive offering with daily updates &...

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IdiotBOX cmi for s60v5

IdiotBOX cmi for s60v5

Want to check how clever you really are? What to stretch the boundaries of your perception, intellect and wit? Take this test and see what happens. Battle tricky, funny and supposing questions as you move forward. Be careful, fail too soon and you'll prove to be a complete and...

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Like PC Game!

Like PC Game!

Finally, my dear friends, the seventh edition of the magazine Like PC Game - came out! More than a month we have worked, and now you can download this new release to your phone!In this issue: - Interview with the release - a group R.G. Repackers, as well as the well-known Russian company "Akella"...

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