

Global domination over the entire globe with new RISK game! Nuclear mixture of different tactics and unique levels of aggression. Use strategy to strengthen your territory, the victory on all six continents of the earth, destroying the enemies on your way will take you to the sovereign...

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StarCraft 2: Battle Report

StarCraft 2: Battle Report

A famous computer game is now for your mobile! Zerg is a race that is formed by infecting other people. The purpose of these actions is the infection of the galaxy to increase their population, incidentally causing death, terror and destruction in their path. You need to protect your people against this ruthless killing...

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Brave Heart

Brave Heart

The official mobile game, based on a film "Brave Heart", that used to become a holder of various film awards. In the game the player becomes a Scottish warrior William Wallace. The story begins in 1280 in Scotland. We learn the story of the legendary national hero William Wallace, who has devoted himself to the struggle with the English under King Edward the...

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The Conqueror

The Conqueror

Constantinople, now known as Istanbul, is a city about which many kingdoms have dreamed of. It is an ancient and mystical city in which there were many wars. The collapse of Constantinople occurred after a siege of the Ottoman Empire, under the command of Sultan Mehmed II. The Turks captured the city, defeating the...

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