Empire earth

Empire earth

In Empire earth create the history and create your civilization. In order to be successful in setting the basis of the world order you need to use resources reasonably and make successful conquests in 10...

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StarCraft II

StarCraft II

StarCraft 2 - Zerg Invasion is a new strategy game from the Chinese developers. Plunge into the Star Craft 2 world, it is so easy to do this now. The game offers new maps, different kinds of weapons, the game also has beautiful graphics and excellent sound...

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Age of Traders

Age of Traders

"The action of the game takes place in XVI century - in the Age of discovery and international trade peak. Choose a ship to your liking and within your means and start out a journey near the coasts of Europe, Africa and Asia. Furrow the oceans,stand in the ports of different countries selling and buying what you can,becoming richer and richer with each successful...

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