Space Guerillas

Space Guerillas

Fleeing from the tyranny of machines, a small group of rebels took refuge on a little uncomfortable Dolorres planet, surrounded by seven satellites. Much water has flowed under the bridge since then. Stories told by their ancestors, colonists became legends. But suddenly these legends became a terrible...

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Star Defence

Star Defence

It's 2107. Oil is already finished and the old states are in ruins. New unions are formed on their ruins and there are alliances the sole purpose of which is a war for the...

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StarCraft 2: Battle Report

StarCraft 2: Battle Report

A famous computer game is now for your mobile! Zerg is a race that is formed by infecting other people. The purpose of these actions is the infection of the galaxy to increase their population, incidentally causing death, terror and destruction in their path. You need to protect your people against this ruthless killing...

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StarCraft II

StarCraft II

StarCraft 2 - Zerg Invasion is a new strategy game from the Chinese developers. Plunge into the Star Craft 2 world, it is so easy to do this now. The game offers new maps, different kinds of weapons, the game also has beautiful graphics and excellent sound...

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