Super Megaman MOD

Super Megaman MOD

Megaman mod changed everything except the map (map texture). Everything (except big bullet) is changed, the game offers good hero animation. The music is taken from Megaman of the second and third version. There are some bugs, which will be removed in the future. The mod is based on Super Mario Bros...

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The bomb hero - machine warrior

The bomb hero - machine warrior

This is a Chinese version of the Bomber Man. This is a bright game about the man which must explode all the enemies of the level collecting bonuses. This Bomber Man differs from the others by bright graphics and enemy...

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Beetle Ju 3

Beetle Ju 3

A powerful superhero and a rescuer of all the insects Beetle Bug is engaged again! This time he has an uneasy mission in saving the kidnapped descendants. Neither more nor less than 1341 of little bugs were kidnapped, and now only our whiskered hero can help them. Set off to a dangerous, full of humour...

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