Melayu English Malay by biNu

Melayu English Malay by biNu

Ultra-fast and free service to translate ANY Malay words or phrases between English and over 50 other languages. biNu free java software. Faster than Ovi browser, Bolt, Opera Mini. (Need GPRS connection - very low data)Translate ANY word or phrase between Malay and over 50 other languages, with Google Translate by biNu, a free ultra-fast translation service. Also comes with Google search, Wikipedia, Wordnik English dictionary, news in many languages, sports scores, horoscopes, FX rates and...

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Information from NYU-SCPS' course "Mobile Marketing for the Small to Medium-sized Business" (SMB). Learn how to market an SMB using mobile. Includes statistics, glossary of terms, self-test and ability to register for the class. This mobile app was designed by NYU-SCPS specifically for Small to Medium-sized Businesses as an introduction to mobile marketing for business...

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