

Bạn có thể:Xem can chi của ngày , giờ , tháng , năm bất kì, Đổi lịch âm sang dương, dương sang âm, Xem hướng xuất hành, Xem tuổi xung khắc theo ngày,theo...

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JX Ovulation Calendar

JX Ovulation Calendar

JX Ovulation Calendar is an easy and user-friendly ovulation calculator for women. The program calculates your fertile days and considers your menstrual cycle`s possible fluctuations to help you avoid unwanted pregnancy or find out the most prospective days for conceiving a boy or...

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Biorhythm Calculator

Biorhythm Calculator

What is a BioRhythm? A biorhythm is based on the idea that certain aspects of your life move in cycles. The cycles are based on sine waves, each starting at 0 on the day of your birth. Each of the different aspects cycles at a different...

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