Run JoJo Run

Run JoJo Run

He can walk on the ground, fly as a bird and swim as a fish in the sea. That's why there is no doubt that JoJo is the best candidate to become a prince. He is ready to do anything to complete all the tasks and marry beautiful king's...

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Animal invasion

Animal invasion

Our planet is in danger. Horrible aliens are coming from other galaxy to invade our planet. The aim of the invasion is to destroy the...

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Speaking Tom 2

Speaking Tom 2

Have fun with a kitten, whose name is Tom. Learn him how to speak, feed him with different tasty things (milk, fish, ice cream), play ball with him and run around the rooms! Funny kitten from mewsim is really good in the role of a...

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Driv3r (Driver)

Driv3r (Driver)

Super popular console game in your mobile! Races, battles, car thefts are just like in the original Driv3r from Atari. So, you are Tanner now, a policeman, who penetrated into a gang. You will have to work really hard to reveal a car thieves net. Prove the bandits that you are one of...

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Spy mouse

Spy mouse

Spy mouse offers danger, intrigue, cunning and cheese in one game. You play as a super secret spy, who works for the benefit of all mice. This masterpiece offers incredible accuracy and high quality...

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