New Edition Bible

New Edition Bible

New Edition Bible app allows you to download the integrated bible or its verses to your mobile devices any time you require hence helps you to get nourished spiritually,mentally and emotionally. It can completely bring changes in to your life. Download today to get an...

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This game is about strange animals called imones. This time your character is a dragon. Wise burning imone decided to become Alice for a while. Since he did not have a rabbit hole, he fell down into the old mine. Help him to get out of there safe and...

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Mr. Schizoo 2

Mr. Schizoo 2

It's Mr. schizoo's return! Our furry friend has problems again. He was caught by a terrible robot from "Fur Fashion Company", a producer of the expensive accessories of the rare animals. A fur of Mr. Schizoo is the most expensive in the galaxy! It's not difficult for Mr. schizo to get out of the of cell, but his friends are in trouble...

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